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Well been having a play around in blender and came across panoramic rendering, So that means 360 images and 360 movies.... 

So you can smut all around you! 

Haven't yet figured out the head turns and all that but it will come in time. 

here is a VERY rough test. and what ever you do don't look behind you im the image.....seriously don't!

http://www.host360photos.com/360_view.php?p=1043  <--- click here for test.  

Quality of the render will obviously improve, but that comes with time. 



😍😍😍 omg I'm imagining the possibilities!! Can't wait 😁


Yeah huge amounts of things you can do, still long road ahead but will defiantly be some fun times :D


Holy shit. Game changer!


How hard is it going to be dya think?


Well thats the whole point of the R&amp;D i guess, Going to play with it a bit and see what I can get out of it. might stick an old GIF in there and render it out, see what happens.


First thing I saw was behind, shocking.


Is his dick up-side down??! owww


Oh my....now this is exciting, smut on a whole new level to enjoy. Tried it with some vr goggles I had laying around too ^_^