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Hi Everyone!

I'm sorry that it was more than 48 hours to finish! 🙏

It caught me off guard because I had to make sure all programming works well within my expectation. It took me 80 hours (this should be a valuable lesson for me, lol). 

Culture shock V.019d is here! This update has FOUR major scenes:

  • Fruit seller scene 2  😸
  • Jogging scene 2  👭
  • Fish seller scene 2  🍓
  • Night diner scene 1 💖


  • Added time cycle icon on gameplay screen (for those who are experiencing difficulty by telling the colors)
  • fixed the audio missing bug
  • fixed the endless loop fruit selling bug
  • apples now can be foraged both in the morning and evening (no more pain)
  • changed how dialogue characters are displayed (I hope you'll notice, lol)
  • you can now sleep morning to morning again (yaaay)
  • created sprint mode (as an achievement)
  • created jogging scene 2
  • created "diner" scene 1
  • created fruit scene 2
  • created fish scene 1
  • fixed how the sprint mode sounds like whenever activated
  • added emoticons after changing each outfit
  • fixed the kemben bug (Now you can wear bra and panties from wearing kemben)
  • taking a bath and jogging now have default renders after completing once

Update from V.0.1.9a, b, and c:

  • Jogging scene 2 now is ready in Sasha's diary
  • Added "diner" scene

Before trying V.019d, I'd like to share a simple walkthrough, as the game has progressed further since its demo:

  • Load "save file" 3. (previous save files may break the game [for now])
  • You will be exactly where Sasha has enough apples to experience fruit selling scene 1. Then, talk to fruit seller (previous scene)
  • Gather more apples for scene 2 -new scene
  • In the evening, talk to fish seller (new scene)
  • Jog once a day until you reach its 3rd time. At the 3rd, a special cutscene will be unlocked (You may use "sleep until morning again" to speed things up)
  • The diner place at the left top corner in near Sasha's homestay will unlock "the diner scene"


  • It is recommended to use "Sasha's Diary" as a gauge in knowing how far you've gone and which content you might be missing in the current version you're playing

Enough yada yada, here is the link, lol :

Sasha's Story -Culture Shock V.0.1.9d


Thank you for showing your genuine compassion towards my work. It keeps my engine running and I'd love to hug you all if I could.




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