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Dear Patrons.

As you can see from the screenshots above, today's update blog is more about what I managed to do in terms of mechanics and design of the game 🦋. Here are the descriptions based on the order of the screenshots above:

  • Picture 1: Now you don't have to look at "item" menu whenever you want to see how many exhibitionism and insecurity she possesses. There is now an option "H-stats" of which function will display your gameplay progress. Also, our red head now has four traits; Exhibitionism, Insecurity, Submissive, and Dominant. They will all play parts in the next update in how you progress the game as you unlock H-Scenes and cutscenes. The picture will also change based on what she wears.
  • Picture 2: A new display! Yay. Based on our window poll, not only has it changed but the position of each window is now more convenient. I also added "H-stats" which will pop picture 1.
  • Picture 3: A new save mode! You are now able to load, save, and delete save files in-game. You will also be able to see your H-stats while choosing your save file from main title.
  • Picture 4&5: Now whenever you gained anything related to H-stats, a new pop up symbol will appear together with their different sound effects. I surely hope you'll find it interesting.

This is the list of things I managed to do after being sick last week:

(to avoid spoilers, I will not mention which one is an H-scene which one is not)

  • Linn's event
  • Introducing Dann event
  • Morning jog event

List of things I should do before releasing V.0.1.8a [beta]:

  • Selling fruit event
  • Selling fish event
  • Green inferno event
  • Bar -event
  • Helping the village kid event
  • village chief event
  • bus event 2
  • secret event 1
  • secret event 2
  • creating recollection room [map's finished but the programming is not]
  • implementing "skip" for cutscenes
  • proof reading

Miscellaneous: there will be one super-all-the-way fun render coming

I'm trying my best to not fall too far from my personal deadline which is to update every 2 months. However, due to my 1-week illness, fingers crossed that everything will go smoothly. My raw prediction is that the early release will be somewhere in November 🍓.

Thank you for your generous support; I never would've imagined my patron would reach 30 people. You are heroes.




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