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Hi Everyone.

I can't believe it has been the 3rd update since April 2022. Time surely goes fast as the world spins around. Here is my working schedule for V.0.1.8:

  • Solving crashes that regularly occur to several players
  • Applying 1 more side job, aside from fruit and fish seller
  • Applying items to buy in order for the story to progress
  • Introducing 2 new characters (the reveal will come momentarily)
  • Enabling desktop PC for Sasha's use
  • Creating H-scene for PC
  • Adding "Jogging" event so players are able to gradually walk faster
  • Creating H-scene for Side job 1
  • Creating H-scene for Side job 2
  • Creating H-scene for Side job 3
  • Creating scene for "The young business woman"
  • Creating scene for " The book"
  • Creating Recollection Room
  • Enabling players to skip cutscenes
  • Adding hidden Easter eggs to "Casey's Fall" in game

Those may seem a lot but very doable as long as I stick to good time management. The one that might require the longest time to do would be the crashing issue, but I will do my best. My goal's to update once every two months. I will give regular update blogs once a week. 

Oh, and just for miscellaneous, I'm also finishing 2 silly thingies for my dear Patrons:

  • Creating discord emojis
  • Creating a short 3-page comic for an intermezzo about Ria

Dear patrons, thank you very much for your kind donation and support. They keep my engine running and bless you all. Please have an amazing month, everyone.




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