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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Welcome to the next chapter in this shit show of a decade, fingers crossed it’ll start to get better. I know for me that’s going to be a goal of mine: to improve all corners of my life even if it’s just a little bit. I hope everyone had a great and SAFE New Years Eve as well as a New Years Day. For me like always I’m quite boring and spent it working my ass off. Which actually brings me to the point of this update.

I AM SO SO SO SORRY! What was meant to be a very short in and out hiatus to prep for the new projects I’m working on, has ballooned into an extended leave that doesn’t look to be ending soon. I hate being away from you guys, sharing my work and getting to interact with you is the highlight of my days. It genuinely brings me joy and I miss it as well as you guys so very very much. The fact of the matter is however, life hasn’t been very kind to me these last few months. My last update I talked about needing to look for another day job as well as finding a new home to move into. Thankfully I can say that I have found a new job to cover most of my daily bill. Though the start up and training for it has eaten into a lot of my time preventing me from drawing. As for my living situations…. Let’s just say it’s bad. As of this writing this I only have about a month left of my lease and still have yet to find a new home. To say that I’m stressed, depressed, and defeated is a massive understatement. Every waking moment has been spent looking, driving, calling, emailing, and anything else I can think of and I’ve still come up empty handed. Not to mention I still haven’t even begun packing! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY TOYS AND COMICS I OWN!!!!!

I guess the point I’m trying to make with all of this is that, I’m going to be away a lot long then originally planned and wanted to let everyone know. I am trying to work on things when I can. I’ve finished the branding and graphic work for BONDAGE BATTLES so I’m ready to start that. I’ve done a few STAR WARS images I’m super proud of and can’t wait to share. Hell I’m even still taking on commissions! Right now I have two on my docket that I’m so excited about. Like everything else they’re moving slower then I’d like for them to be but I am working them. Then there’s the comic, oh man am I excited for this! All the leg work is done, the characters have been designed, the branding and logos finished, and a script for the first issue that I could not be more proud of. Here’s a little tease! https://sta.sh/01zdgwefuwu3

All I need to do is jump in! So big things are coming just much slower then I want them too. I can’t thank everyone enough for all the love and support you guys have brought me. You guys are the best group of people and I really truest mean that.

So before I sign off I will say this, if you guys would like to help me through this crazy, difficult, and scary time any additional support would me the world to me. If your willing to be a bit patient you could commission me to do an images you’d like to see be done. If so shoot me a note and chat and we can talk all about it. I love hearing your ideas.

Please know there is no pressure to do this, I understand how tough things are right now and your already helping to support me here. Just know that if you are able to help, it would mean the world to me, as well as get me to producing more content faster! I love you guys and I can’t wait to get back into the swing of things


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