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Let's test out this Patreon video upload feature shall we?

For the next Moon Builds, I'm teaming up with my long time friend Zak, Crafty Gecko.

He is my go to guy for making ridiculous commissions, most notably the Ugandan Knuckles, among other things.

But this time he is doing ALOT of the heavy lifting, 3D Sculpting, printing, prepping and painting a bulk of this character.

My job will be to make the limbs and connect everything in a way that makes it viable for animation.



Looks amazing!! I’m sure you’ve got a good idea as to how to go about making the limbs already! That pink monstrosity will be insanely fun and challenging to animate due to the irregular movement of the character. I’m hyped.

Selconar Walker

Oooooh. This will be so exciting. I wonder if it'll be a Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys scenario or just one of your friends scared shitless videos. Either way; I'm for it