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Well, overworking seemed to finally get the best of me, and I got sick. I couldn't finish the last two videos I wanted to put out this year, but here's as far as I got~ 

uggggggggggh, not how I wanted to be spending the new years, nor going into the new year. But I get it. I'm getting old.

Thank you all so much for supporting me this year and all the years previously.

You guys keep my lights on and put food on my table~

2023 is gonna be a jam packed year, I just know it.

Happy new years to all of you, stay healthy, stay safe. Im gonna get drugged up on cold meds and rest (as I should be)





Here's to another year! Can't wait for another year of animations


Happy New Year Moon, We need MORE Potato 🥔! PUHleazze!?!


YYYYYAAAYYY, thank you for responding, love your work! Potato 🥔 potato!