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WOW, I posted this yesterday, I THOUGHT IT POSTED IT YESTERDAY but apparently it was filtered and not posted. Annoying. It's almost like there's no truly safe platform to post anything anymore.

Whatever, gripes aside.

Hey everybody, hope your holidays are going pleasantly. I've been staying busy as usual. Cold weather has really stunted the process of drying paint, but sped up the drying of hot glue, so production is in a weird spot.

I've recently been in cahoots with the CEO of Phase Connect, a Vtuber Agency, he reached out to me after he saw my last 2 Pippa videos, and now he's got alot of work lined up for me in 2023.

Man.. I wrote an entire essay yesterday for this post, and like now that i know it can get NOT POSTED, my heart's not in it. I'll make like...a dedicated video for it or something.


Yuri's War Criminal Song



Fish man has you workin huh? Well I hope your holiday season is still a great one moon! Best of luck to you with the paint drying. I know that struggle XD


This was great! Thanks for still putting in the work even around this time of year.