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Due to hacker activity, the discord server is down.

I placed a request to Discord Support  to have the server taken down on December 28th.

I have no idea if the server is gone because Discord took it down, or if the hacker manually booted everyone in there.

 I currently don't intend to revive the server. A discord server was never something I intended  to do, but upon request a a patron (Who is no longer a patron anyway) I made one.

And it was fun, but also very time consuming on my end, as I'd try my best to respond to interactions. If I do plan on remaking the server, I will post announcements here.

And to any patron that joined my Patreon because of the Discord Server perk, no hard feelings if you want to cut/delete your pledges, I completely understand.

Anyway~ Happy New years everyone, let's make it a good one.



I feel like making a new server just because I liked yalls criticism and suggestions very useful. Also it was so fun hanging out with yall


Replying late, so that's what happened. Honestly I don't blame you for not reviving it. Discord's gotten to be a PITA anyways.