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Got 2 videos for you guys~ A new Box bunny episode, and a look at Build-A-Figure Sauron by Diamond select toys.

These were both figures I was looking forward to for a long time.....and they both eneded up being pretty disappointing ahha. anyway~ enjoy~

Box Bunnies: VENOM: https://youtu.be/7ei7MgXRJZQ

Reznya and Sauron: https://youtu.be/mGiv6DkIRpQ 




I think you should have Reznya crack a bad pun here and there as part of her personality! Not often, just like when the opportunity hits. I though that part was really cute in the Sauron vid!


I was not disappointed with both reviews; Venom’s added parts were a bit unjustified with switching the head piece around and hand weapon swapping. About Sauron’s articulation… Just… No. No figure should have that loose of joints! Hopefully, some bit of plastic cement would fix them. Otherwise, Great work!!