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March was interesting~ I spent the 1st half of the month making sets that I'll most likely be using for the rest of the year~

And for the 1st time I did a little collab with some people. I usually don't do collabs cause....like...how you suppose to collab with Stop-Motion? The medium doesn't quite lend itself well to it, at least in my opinion.

But these 2 were pitched to me in a relatively feasible way that made sense.

The 1st one is made as a stinger to OtakuVs's "Cam Project." It's relatively vague and mysterious, but it is something setting up for a future series of his. 

It was a good exercise to get me back into the groove of animating violence and gore~

The 2nd is a large collaboration amongst Stikbot animators, and the general synopsis is that a blue stikbot travels between dimensions. And one of them happens to be the Moonshine world, oh boy~ It was a fun lil project, got to use the sets I was building, and it was a fun first go at animating some other Transformers.

All in all, this month was a good month to set-up for the coming future projects~


March Collaborations 1 & 2



If shes wearing a mask during the pandemic, so can we!


Very epic