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I like many other creators struggle with the concept of originality. We are always trying to be "ORIGINAL." But of course no matter how hard we try, or how ingenius we think our idea is, there is always the chance that someone, somewhere, has already thought of it. And that's okay. 

We try again~

Deriving influence and inspiration from what we see and absorb is part of being an artist.

What's not okay is outright STEALING/copying a design, idea and concept and claiming it as your own.

Now this is something that happens to me alot, and normally I don't make a big deal out of it. What makes it a big deal to me this time, is because it was a fan of mine that came to me MANY TIMES to ask for help and advice. And I gave them all the information they wanted. From paint types to the drillbit sizes you would need to create holes for figma joints.

This person took all that information, and basically copied everything I did, which is fine, EXCEPT THEY CLAIMED IT AS THEIR OWN WORK.

There are alot of artists out there who experience this kind of thing with their work and then lose all hope in their fans and cut themselves off with the fan base.

I am not one of those artists. I don't think it's fair to the rest of my fans that one person had to go off and ruin it for the rest of them.

This video is to share with you how I feel about situations like these, and how I go about handling them.


OC Pliss Donut Steel