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Well based off a simple 24 hour survey, we got some interesting results.

Using this information here's what I've come up with

We'll start off with The Emojis. I'm working on this hideous amalgamation thing where the Emoji is biomechanically connected to a mass of phones and various pieces of tech, and it will drag itself around on fleshy appendages.

We'll then go on to make Necrotubbies. Necromorph x teletubbies. Self explanatory.

Judy Hopps was one that I really wanted to do and already wrote a story out for, however this one was surprisingly not very popular. I do want to stand by this idea though so we'll film this one as planned.

Cuphead and Bendy are pretty much in thje same vein so I think we can put these two together in the same video.

And Elsa... We will save her for last~




I'd love to see like Ladybug and Reznya team up lol. LUCKY CHARM *A shotgun drops from the air*