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CHRIS BACK?! Im Interesed.. How Do Y'all Feel?



season 1 is so good!!!


empire will forever be one of my favorite tv shows


Star is another great Lee Daniels show. I think you should check it out.

Anthony Hempstead

i like this show but i feel like star has better music


I aint gone lie.. when ppl hype up certain music/songs. Im quite the contrarian (go the opposite way).. But the shows you named off.. Bro.. you cheating yourself not watching.. especially Snowfall.. im glad you're open minded tho.. Its a good balance being open minded AND a Contrarian.. Shows you have a mind of your own.


Woooooooowwww. Jussie says 'Who goes to bath houses anymore" in this episode.. the very first episode.. and in his scandal.. Its noted he was doin freaky thangz & sketchy thangz in Bathhouses 😭😭😭.. po' juicy 😭


Lol. Ik luscious old school.. but the flaw is.. You saying your son effeminate ways are an issue.. but when he's 'masculine' with YOU.. its a prollem.. Pick a Struggle my dude.. I can imagine tho it hits different when you the parent.. cuz you see yourself in your kid.. so it may be hard to separate.. but also. Your child is an individual and has their own Shihh goin you gotta look passed yourself to see THEM.. So yeah.. allat said.. I love the Conversations this show started & touched on


Chris/Yazz/Hakeem.. got severe mommy issues.. AND daddy issues.. which is understandable AF.. he got on my nerves. But i also had to acknowledge his pov 😭.. That skin to skin shihh when a child is first born is hella important.. And he missed that cuz Cookie went to prison & Luscious fckd up

Shanice British

Not carry a kid for 12 months 😭😭😭😭😭 I’m weak. Thank God I’m catching up because now I can’t stop laughing