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De la perspective, le choix des couleurs sur une illustration, la composition de l’image ou la gestion des ombres et lumière 😊


I think I need a tutorial on picture composition. So far, I know nothing about them. I want to know how you reasonably divide the scenes and add those elements, which has always been difficult for me. _(:* 」∠)_


Yeah composition, or just how to arrange an image to be more pleasing to the eye


You already have a few videos on composition, I'd like to see a tutorial on lighting and how it interacts with different shapes, materials, and angles. I know you've done a few shading videos, but I have a hard time grasping how lighting works when drawing something, so that would be a nice tutorial video. :]


I agree! Lights and shadows would be an amazing tutorial!


I want to learn how to draw buildings and backgrounds. To make the characters stand out, how much should the background be deformed and how much should it be drawn in detail?


how you do those effects/color selection on your pieces. I don't know whether you have a specific color palette or how you choose your colors, but the flat colors already look amazing, but with the effects/overlays etc. it really pops out even more. I'd love to know your methods behind this!


This is not really a tutorial, but I’m just about to finish the first episode of my webcomic. I think tips for promoting would be helpful to know. Like how to gain an audience


I'll take into account all of your suggestions for future tutorials! thank you for your time <3<3