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First of all, I want to thank you for your support during all these 7 years. It's been a long adventure for me growing my art skills, along with you. 

When I started, social networks and our own world were a little different. I had a dream of making this project in order to make some income and live from it. My goal was 400 USD monthly which I needed to pay for my stuff. Sadly, my income is around 55 USD now. I'm telling you this so you know my situation because I want to be clear and not hide anything from you.

I love drawing Dating Dick and making all these stories for you, but to be real with you, I need to change my business a little bit. With my current "style" it's hard for me to keep making a comic and making a post daily to grow my audience. The comic will keep its style, but the other type of content will have less work. The goal is to make it with the quality of the work from this publication, or maybe some other days it will be just a sketch. Sadly social networks are praising the daily content, so by only posting one or two times per week it keeps many people away from finding my content.

I hope to continue counting on your support and your friendship. If you have any idea on how to improve or something to change, I'm always open to suggestions and criticism.

With all my love,





I wish I knew what to tell you, DD! Maybe it's time for something really different.