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This year, Dating Dick is celebrating its 5th anniversary.
For this year's celebration I will be re-doing your favorite piece. Let me know what was your favorite artwork since you discovered Dating Dick and I will make you an Artwork with a special inscription just for you. 
Leave your comment with the link to your favorite art or a description of it below as soon as possible so I can work on it during August and September 2020. 
This opportunity will be closed on August 15th 2020, and I will draw in the order I receive the comments.
Can't wait to know your favorite piece and why.



Favorite? Too many to choose from! ;-) But okay, I took this question as an excuse to look over a lot of your work 😹 and . . . the Movember Bernard is really awesome (especially the color version, but I love both!). He's sexy, love his body, the hair detail and texture on the rug are so well done, especially in the color/painted version, wow, but both are so great! And I do love Bernard. ;-) https://www.patreon.com/posts/movember-bernard-31379706 https://www.patreon.com/posts/movember-bernard-31429232 . . . well okay, the "Instagram" one recently is really cool, too! Hahaha pick a favorite - impossible! https://www.patreon.com/posts/instagram-39163459 . . . and oh, the whole series for Pride Chess, man. . . . <3 But yeah, I'll say the Movember Bernard is one of my all-time favorites.


The Spring Equinox. Pages 13 and 18 stand out.