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To all my dear Patreons and Followers:


Four years ago I started this project called Dating Dick. it has been an amazing journey evolving my creative skills around these lovely characters during all this time.

I want to thank all the people who supported me economically with Patreon since 2016. You were the light in the darkest hours when I wanted to give up. My gratitude also goes to all the people who left a comment, liked or shared my content on social networks. You made my day and made me smile everytime my phone rang with a notification. I can’t be more grateful to you. Thank you for letting me touch your heart through my art.

The last few months were a rough time in my life. I was really depressed for many reasons. My work on Tumblr and Instagram vanished as if Thanos was snapping his fingers and I was feeling like I worked 18 hours a day for a week to create 1 drawing which disappeared when people scrolled on their phones. 

I question myself everyday whether I’m pushing myself too hard to be better, but people don’t care about that. They only want fresh daily content on their social networks. My answer is I need to take a break  for me, my soul and the love I have for my characters. Thinking about what I’m doing wrong and why my art isn’t reaching more people is getting me down.

I don’t know when or how I will come back but  I want to give you good content and more often. I need to practice, study other stuff, grow as an artist and as a human being.

This isn’t goodbye because I will be back. Dick, Adam, Bernard and the other characters will be back, stronger, prettier and sexier as you know them. 

Consider these 4 years of Dating Dick as Season 1 of this project. Hope to see you again in Season 2.

I will leave all the content I posted until today available on my social networks. I will pause my Patreon at the end of this month, before the next payment, so you can visit the page.

I always love you.





Has it really been four years?! Thank you for four years of love and romance, DD! 🥰❤️


I love your work - your artwork, the detail, the characters, the story in the comics and also just around the characters and how much they love each other, your sense of humor, everything! I'm impressed with the variety of styles you can do - the 2015 examples you've posted here, your current style, the black & white drawing style, and the way you did the 49-page (!!!) comic. That shows a lot of talent! I discovered you earlier this year (maybe a few months ago?) and I'm glad I did, even though you're taking a break. I'm sorry I didn't join your Patreon sooner, when I noticed you had one, but I'm glad I joined and got the chance to enjoy your work and your comics.. I forget how I found you; maybe a link from someone's webcomic? I'm not sure. I'm sorry you've been going through a rough time and I hope the break helps you. I send you many {{{hugs}}} (if you want)!!! Good luck to you and I hope things get better for you. I'll be here if/when you return. :-D I hope you do, but please, please, do what is best for you and take care of yourself. ^^^ I hope this comes out right - all compliments. NO criticisms from me.