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Continuing with the Updates, here is another one.

Old $3 Patreon Rewards: 

  • Special fanart for my supporters twice a month. Note: I Used to do it but there wasn't popular for my patreons
  • Access to a Dropbox folder where you’ll find all of my work in the original definition (6000 x 4200 px). Note: I found over the last year a Fail on Patreon, where people can get all the patreon content for free for the first month, So I'm going to change this dynamic.

New $3 Patreon rewards: 

  •  Early access to the Dating Dick Comic. (15 page advance with respect to the free version) 
  •  Acceso al comic en Español (Access to the Comic in Spanish) 
  • 2 Exclusive NSFW (18+) posts per month as I used to do (Random content about Dating Dick Characters)
  •  And my thank you. 
