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Hello my dear friends and loyalty patreons. I want to apologise, because I will not publish anything this weekend. I'm having an artist block or something deeper inside me is not ok and I'm not having good ideas to a new content. I work all I can to give you a good content, content that I made with my heart, and I think is not right to give you a bad drawing or something empty because I must publish in a exactly day and time. I hope I can count with your love during this time and also I will be like this for a short time. My heart is broken because I work 12 days a day to give you something for your entertainment. I will keep working on the comic but I can't promise you I will publish a new page for this weekend (I hope I can do it!) Thank you and I'm always here for you. Googuin PS. Sorry for my horrible English.🤗



love you from arab country 🌹


Love for you from South America! This is pretty nice, So people around the world are enjoying my artworks is very encouraging. Hugs to you and all the arab country!

