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I took a break from posting fresh content generally for the past 2 weeks or so due to what honestly felt a bit like art-block (like even I don't really know what to call it), but I think I'm ready to get back to posting now!

Here are my plans for April!

Getting FULLY back on the ball! Normal posting on all fronts resumes TODAY as far as fresh art goes, the first painting of the month will go live here a bit later as some early access for you all who stuck around ^^

More OC content! (This one is basically the same as February, but it's happening proper this month!)

I'm more than aware that you guys like Liz a lot haha, but I WILL be widening this roster more fully, for real this time!

Polls are back?!
This month's poll will be a Capcom-themed poll! I plan on doing this poll to coincide with the upcoming Easter holiday, so expect more on that soon

Also the first handful of WIPs for the month will go live shortly, along with today's painting a bit later!

Thanks for your time and the amazing support as always, even during the dry spell near the end of March

that won't happen again haha, see you all later today!



Can't wait to see everything coming out


Hey if you ever need to take a break, don't be afraid to say something! We all want what's best for you, and if you need some time off then it's fully warranted