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Update on the situation: the Patreon page is back to its original state.  Many comics had to be removed due to the regulations but please do understand that it has to be done to keep going forward. You can still access the finished comic on the google share (for higher tier) and MHA is continuing on another site.  For those whom paid to see MHA on here, please follow them on my discord or google share folder instead, the series has nothing to do with Patreon. As it stands, my Patreon page is still going, hence, moving forward but DeviantArt page was beyond saving.

However, we have a korean staff working oversea to upload the work for us on his page, although I don't know how he manages them (haha🤣) since I can't log in to find the work. I do believe his DA page is called awalkingorangecat. So you guys are very much welcome to follow them, but it won't be me answering or commenting. (buy him a soju, he's such an alcoholic hahaha 🤣)

Back to the Patreon matter, we tackled the situation with replacing the series instantly, and decided to run a 5 comics per week format. Along with working on rewards and commissions on the side, my team and I have been very busy. We thank you for everyone's patience and thank you for staying with us through a very very tough year.

and of course, I would like to hear feedback on what I can improve on the contents. I very much welcome a critical critique and I will definitely try to do and change to make the page better as much as I can. What do you guys like about the current series? what do you not like? What doesn't work? what do you want more of? Please let me know in the comment below.
Changes Coming to  Next Year

a rework Amy series is planning to be featured on Webtoon.

A higher tier $200 reward format is changing. We are bringing back a comic page format but it will feature 2 Pages per month and the cycle transformation ends in 2 months. 4 Pages will be the total of the full transformation. This way we can have time to expand the story a little more and extend the transformation in more detail.

Amy Pod Cast will continue on Youtube and hopefully I get to interact with people more.

Amy's Game is coming back and a winner patron will get transform every month.


Again this is just a few things I've been planning. Last but not least and ALWAYS never forget that you meows are awesome everywhere; here, twitter, discord, and pixiv. Everyone is very supportive and stayed with us through really really bad times and giving us encouragement to keep going. Many of you dm me to check on me once in awhile, it was very sweet and special mention to coredumperror who has been commenting on most of my posts for 5 years! 🤣

I couldn't ask for a better community.
thank you.
and like always,
Stay Meow.


Hayami Ryuu

Excited to see what comes next!


The new 200 format is more than acceptable, it's super exciting!

Eternal Wanderer

Its going to be weird seeing Amy on Webtoon.


Did I miss something? 'update on the situation' which situation? 'the Patreon page is back to its original state' I frequently visit this page and didn't see any changes, at least in the recent posts.


I like forced change in your works, but in many works even the mind is polluted. I want to see people with intact minds suffering or embarrassed when they see the changed body. (I used a translator for this)

john huff

What is this Bull$#%^! I am paying $15 a month to get the non good stuff and then you expect me to pay more on your Fanbox! This is rediculous and absurd! You need to fix this or the ones who pay you so much a month are able to have access to the things they pay for on here as well as your Fanbox!! Because all I see on here is not what I paid for! For what you have on your fanbox!! And trust me I love all your work! But I am not gonna pay more. Than what I already am paying on here. You need to figure this out! Or you are gonna lose a lot more patreons for sure!!!!! Please figure this out!

john huff

discord Link does not send me to it. Nor can I find it in Google rewards.


I’m glad you’re finishing Moe Moe Kyu and uploading it to the google folders so Patrons don’t miss out! Love how the final Tsundere Idol is coming along ❤️


Hi question, just saw the recent post w/ link to comic storage. Are there different comics in storage for diff tiers? I have the Tier$5 link, wondering what Tier$10 link has.. (I obviously can't read the full post to find out cause I'm not Tier$10).