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My account on DeviantArt has been suspended indefinitely due to reports on the My Hero Academia series. All the pages has been reported by a anonymous user and now the page has come to a closed. I have submitted an appeal to get my page back but the damage has been done. My page gallery has been removed, my subscription members has been cancelled and all my income in there has been confiscated.

however, this heart broken event may put a lot of a stress on me. But I will keep producing content and walk forward and hope everything will resolve itself eventually. Thank you for being here with me.



Nathan Crawshaw

Really sorry to hear that but I'm sure you'll be fine and be able to overcome this. We'll be here for ya.


Some people get their jollies by exerting control over others, no matter how petty they have to be to do it. But they will never have as many friends and admirers as you.


Sorry to hear this happened to you. I hope the appeal is successful 🙏

Some Random Anime Otaku

Dicks will be dicks on the internet. Same old song and dance asserting their own beliefs on what should be on sites.

Daniel Thomas Stack

Upgraded my membership since I'm not able to pay there to see the content. But This is as high as I can afford right now.

Robert Louis Stoll

DeviantAI did you a favor as far as I can tell. Flippancy about the service aside, I hope the bounce back is swift - I know how hard this looks of this can be. We're here for you.


hope academia is not over

Zero Wing

Oh no! This is so sad to hear. I hope it all works out in the end. D:

Cole jones

Hope everything works out and you can get that fixed. I hate that happened to you while it has never happened to me a lot of artist and YouTubers I like have been forcibly cancelled by some stupid stuff and it always pisses me off.


Sorry to hear that, I was going to subscribe to your deviant page but decided to go for the patty-ron in the end. Hope you get it sorted soon.


That blows sorry to hear it...


So...was this all because of some schnook didn't like your artwork?


This makes me wonder about migrating my DA account over here, too.

Star Born Michael

I feel bad that this happened that why I only keep my account on DA as to get pictures not make them on it... I think going to other Places then DA. Trust me I've seen Gonzy go through the same thing.

Trans Yuri

Not gonna lie seems a bit transphobic. 1. They've left you alone for years up until now. 2. The website is called DEVIANTart.


Sorry this happened to you. I'll still follow your drawings and comics though, wherever you choose to share it!