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So I'm sure everyone's been a bit worried + curious with the situation that just happened to me. I am here to clear understanding of what is going on and what has been happening.

as you know all know, one of the artist name Cheesecake left our team and she was also my girlfriend. We broke up and she demanded that I do not continue Mimikyu series and Kimetsu no Yaiba because she claims that she 'owns' it.

she was given responsibility with many of the rewards monthly but she held them as a hostage saying that if we broke up, she would left it undone. We came to a breaking point and I demanded her to tell me how many rewards has she not done, thus I found out that many of them are from back in JULY 2022.

now we split and a huge pile of work has been left to me.
the situation right now is
1. I am trying to catch up on the monthly reward AND commission that has been left undone
2. I will discontinue Mimikyu 2 because it only has recently started, and I will replace it with Saru Saru Getchu
3. I am moving out of my house because she has been blackmailing me with threats ( i cannot go into details )
4. I will finish Kimetsu no Yaiba and we will decide on the new series. Though if things really comes down to me really have to take down the work, I will find a way to send you guys the finish version.

I hope you guys understand the situation that we are in, it has been very stressful but I am really fighting my way through this. I really thank you guys for staying and I will make sure nothing like this happens again in the future.



Look, as much as we love your stuff, we care more about you than about your comics. If you *need* to go on hitarius (or however tf it's spelt lol) to settle everything, I'm certain we're all fine with you even not putting the pays on pause for the needed money. Prople who'd be bitching about it don't care about mental health of their artists.


thank you. I will take breaks occasionally and im hanging in there. luckily my country has cheap massages so tats relaxing for me haha


im sorry this happened to you meow, I hope everything works out, and don’t push yourself too hard we are all supporting you and I’d give you a hug if I could.

patsy jj

Tough news for you Meow, don't apologise for this. Hope everything works out, but take the required time to get there and look after yourself.


Good luck with everything Meow. I'm sorry this happened to you. Take your time with the projects. I look forward to seeing the finished work of Kimetsu no Yaiba

Pixie Tira

I thought some of the monthly rewards seemed to fall off the face of the earth. Im so sorry this happened to you and hopefully you can get it all worked out soon. Having left an abusive and manipulative ex myself a few years back I know what kinda hell this is. Please take care.


Omg meow Im so sorry!! Please take care of yourself first and foremost and put this on the backburner! Your safety and security comes first!! We all love you here! <3

Daniel Thomas Stack

That stinks. I was looking forward to seeing where Mimikyu 2 would go. And to have rewards backed up half a year. I'm not up to that level of contribution but hope things get better for you.


That stinks Meow! I say, if you have to put your stuff on the back burner to get through this, go for it. Your health and safety is more important than posting stuff for us to look at. Real life always has to come first, and you have to look out for yourself first and foremost! All of us will still be here for you after you make your way through this tough time you're going through. *Virtual Hugs*


Here is a hug coupon. (Give Meow a coupon) ....Just use it when you feel like to.

Thomas Hargrove

That's awful to have to go through, I'm really sorry to hear it. Bummed about Mimikyu 2 being cancelled but understandable under the circumstances. Hope you catch a break soon, you've earned one.

Jordan P

Fuck, that's dirty. Big bummer on Mimikyu 2, but get away from that toxic mess as fast as possible.


My roommate put me through this kind of stuff, she ghosted me and refuses to pay rent, so I'm having to move back in with my transphobic mother. My heart goes out to you, I hope you'll stay safe 💙


Thank you everyone I am definitely trying to hang in there