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Guys, I think we actually did it...[yayyyy!🤩🤩🤩] Honestly I thank you all old and new patrons that stayed with me till the very end of this chapter. It was the biggest challenge to take on this infamous chapter because there were a lot of expectations from both the fans and the creator, Mashiro-san, themselves.

Okashina Futari was what made me start doing this whole Amy stories, and I'm glad to be able to represent my role model in my vision. I really do hope everyone enjoy this chapter, and again I deeply apologize for the late submissions on many pages. I have to admit that drawing wedding dress continuously in various angles can get a little tedious, but we had a lot of fun recreating many scenes from scratch.

If you all wonder, well what happens next to this series? Yes, we are continuing it further than the translated novel. I will have to hire a translator to translate further chapters and start planning them. However, we have a lot of commissions in between and I will put up a vote for the next $5 series.

AGAIN AND ALWAYS, thank you thank you thank you for every comments and likes. I read all of them and they cheer me up all the time to see engagements. Big shout outs to Coredumperor, AshK1980, EmilySmith , NicoH, Sentinel, Fareast, Pokefantgtf, ConnerHaris, and Stormfries, biggest engagement on this series especially 😘

Y'all are amazing, and keep being AWESOME. 💋
and don't forget to Stay Meow 😻
>> click here to download Okashina Futari Chapter 4 <<



Hayami Ryuu

I absolutely loved this chapter! Having read the original so long ago, I can tell you that you absolutely did this chapter justice.

NicoH (NPSao)

I also absolutely loved it! Okashina Futari and MLSA are such wonderful series. Years in and still going. &gt;w&lt;


Thank YOU for your immaculate work. Such a beautiful update to an iconic chapter was lovely to see. I have nothing but the highest praise and highest hope for the story of these characters in the future. :)

patsy jj

It's we who thank you for this incredible work, glad you got the chance to do this tribute to your inspiration. Seems we have to partly thank Mashiro-san that we have Amy and Kit in our lives.

Emily Smith

Thank YOU Meow! Your interpretation of this has been awesome to watch ♥️


It has been a fun and awesome ride.


Wow, what a ride this was, huh? So much anticipation for this most famous of chapters from Okashina. And honestly, Meow, you completely knocked it out of the park! It was clearly a LOT of work, but you did it! I'm so happy. :)


Thanks for the kind words Meow.


I've added a download link in the description. Feel free to download it, everyone :D


This was such a classic animation, I am just glad we get the full story about Satori and Ayumi (and soon, Kyouko.) You and everyone really did it justice Meow.