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take this! isn't this every line to every fighting game?

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here is the website you can check out.  >> Mashiro Castle <<

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Okashina Futari
schedule to release Wednesday/Saturday




Hah, I get the feeling that Ayumi is deflecting. Also, it's generally not a good idea to split words across lines in comic speech bubbles, like in Satori's line about apologizing. Though if you must do it, you need a hyphen, like this: To apolo- gize, I have changed your clothes.


Oh boy, Ayumi sounds confident. That means something is going to go against him soon. Anyway, very curious to see the next one!

NicoH (NPSao)

I mean - The two can have so much fun with this ability. :3


'Take this! Take this! YEARGH!' - Knuckles in Sonic Heroes


I believe the term is, "Turn about is fair play..." Perhaps, this act may (finally) cause Amy to butt out of her brother's affairs. Maybe? Hopefully?


I expect to see brother shy and blush