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for those who are wondering about the original material,
here is the website you can check out.  >> Mashiro Castle <<

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Okashina Futari
schedule to release Wednesday/Saturday



NicoH (NPSao)

Lovely. I mean we've already seen in the maid story that the changes aren't limited to appearance. :D


Hahahaha! Well, I can certainly say I didn't see that coming. :D Now I can't help but imagine Satori eventually finding out that was what happened and being all proud of Ayumi for using that "weapon". :D I look forward to hopefully seeing the bride story, and if I may be honest, it'd be super cool if you got permission to do any original stories with these two characters. :)


Awww, I'm going to miss getting new Okashina updates... Really hoping the bride story adaptation ends up happening! :) By the way, it should be "Did I just cry in front my sister?" It's a common mistake. The "did" is already in past tense, so one shouldn't put "cry" in past tense as well.


I subscribed because of this series, so really hoping for more. Loved it since the late 90s. Great work!


I'm with core we need a bride adaption asap


ty ty, I worked on this project on my own so grammar and language might sound a bit wrong


actually way later in the story, they kind of can change each other's manners


Meow: Done(?) Me: Let's hope not.