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im taking a breather for a day. after the last reward I felt quite burn out by the fact that I havent been out of my room for practically two months and kept drawing non stop. today morning was the first good news is that my country is going easier on the curfew and I might actually get vaccinated (moderna) by next month. fitness is re-opening and movie theater will be back up on Oct 1st. Restaurants are going easier on the covid rules and alot more is coming back up. I can finally see the light again! O..O ahhh my eyes. 

p.s. I wanna watch Shang Chi so much…



Remember Meow rest is a good thing

NicoH (NPSao)

Please don't overwork yourself! But I'm glad to hear that you get vaccinated. I also got Moderna last month.


Don't burn yourself out ❤️ You're doing an amazing job ☺️


Be sure to take a break. Burnout is a sign of doing too much~


Nice! Good for you! Mixing work and break is the best. Thank you for sharing that with us


Have a break, have a KitKat


Take a good rest Meow! And fingers crossed you get vaccinated soon!


Question, does that mean Karma wont be released tomorrow? :0


Im just asking cause im dying to see the ending. 🥺 but pls make sure to take care of yourself.


Have a great rest! Enjoy your break! It’s really important!


> I havent been out of my room for practically two months and kept drawing non stop I don't think this is healthy for you, Meow. I honestly think you should cut down on your work load, so you aren't doing so much so often. None of us want to see you burn out entirely.


Take the needed rest. Don't overwork yourself.

patsy jj

This all sounds like great news for your whole country. Take sufficient breaks from work to make sure you get the most out of normality starting to return, we can all wait, anticipation will be good for us 💝


Get some rest and good luck on getting your shot.


You take all the time you need. And I hope you get to see Shang-Chi. It's one of the best movies in a while. :)


I cant go out much the passed month. Things arent getting better here but hopfully it will be after the first like they annouced!