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im taking abit more time on these pages, there's two transformation in this chapter.
actually i might even take more time next chapter with the detailed wedding dress on the train...but that's if we get to do them.
for those who are wondering about the original material,
here is the website you can check out.  >> Mashiro Castle <<

click here to the download folder

Okashina Futari schedule to release Wednesday/Saturday




&gt; next chapter with the detailed wedding dress on the train...but that's if we get to do them. Do it do it do it do it do it!!! :)

NicoH (NPSao)

Really looking forward to this, this series has been a blast with TFs &lt;3

Jarrod Cummings

Seeing your rendition of the bride transformation would be sooo worth it!


The bride transformation is probably the series biggest highlight. Heck, it's what got me introduced to it so long ago. :D