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we just finished off the last reward (Taeru) and it will be posted soon after the editor is done texting. I would like to take some time off since I have been feeling abit burnt out and stressed due to the covid situation in my country. We are experiencing another lock down effecting tonight for a month and I havent been able to travel for a year now. I hope everyones doing well though! if you guys have been traveling or been to places, feel free to share your experience under this post, I love to hear them  and maybe one day get to do them as well again.



Enjoy the break! You deserve your rest!


I hope you stay healthy and hope you can travel soon you deserve a vacation

NicoH (NPSao)

Enjoy the break. :) I haven't been away this year so far. In fact I haven't even taken vacation from work so far as I've been working from home this whole year already. But I will make a short trip in September visiting two water parks and an amusement park in my country over the course of a week.


Well, Recently I haven’t traveled but sometime I went my parent house in country. There are few people and we can cook outside. So, I made meat cake(made by beef) and enjoy BBQ. I hope Covid-19 goes away and can be traveling.


Last summer, I went hotel with my girl friend. We played in hotel and ate delivery food. I think this is Korea culture. We call this hocation(hotel and vacation). At hotel, there turns on air conditioning so in summer we can keep cool.


Enjoy the break and hope you can relax!


Take care of yourself, Meow! Hope you can relax and enjoy the break!


Have a nice break o/

patsy jj

Take as long as you need😘, Personally, briefly been to the coast, to let the sound of the sea wash over me, but other than that, it has been working from home, which makes me luckier than most.


Stay safe, enjoy your break


Take all the time you need ♡


Enjoy your days off, you guys deserve it.

Giselle Little

I wish you the best of health.