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the first three people to have cakes in their answer takes all!
Please send Original Character to meowwithmetg@gmail.com title 'Sunday Gag Winner [your patron name] ' within 3 days!
if 3 days has passed with no respond, I may have to give the chance to the wait list.

Wait list:
- Somaria
- Neo97659



NicoH (NPSao)

Aw, cake was my second choice. But I thought let's try something that isn't sweets, guess I was wrong. I just saw three types of food in your comics in regard to Amy, cake when Amy wanted her brother to work in the maid cafe, oranges on the cover of the New Year comic, and her drinking a juice I cannot tell what flavor it is. So it was 50:50. Congratulations~


I won (on the wait list) but I can't draw so I cant send out an original character. Hopefully the winner will have a response


Congratulation to the winners!