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Guys if theres any suggestions for me to improve this page please let me know down in the comment.

i feel like I have been abit lackluster and I need to improve.



Quick links to the various comics. It would make navigating between them easier


Which page?


oh, as in webpage? Then yeah, mechanically, some sort of directory for comics (including commissions). Visually, I don't think you can improve it much...

Robert Louis Stoll

I like how well you stratle different techniques. Honestly there's not much I'd "improve" but if you're feeling the need for a change or experiment, it'd totally be worth taking that plunge and seeing where it takes you. You make good stuff, but who knows what could make it better. As helpful as external critique may be, in your case you show such a strong understanding of your style that internal suggestions would be equally as useful!


Pdfs of completed works


I mean, some ice cream now and then wouldn't hurt...


Can i say you do too much, haha. Don't overwork yourself ok.


I love the comics you always do. If there was one thing I’d say there could be improvement it would be sticking to schedules. I def understand and acknowledge that things happen and it’s totally cool whatever you decide, but there are times where I am looking forward to a page being released (like the strange records pg 17 rough draft for example) on Monday that helped me


Have something to look forward to yet it wasn’t out until Tuesday. Again it’s a minor thing, I just like knowing for sure when things will be released. You’re still doing an awesome job. :)


My only Complaint is I wish i could see only completed / colored of the comics getting uncompleted paging is no fun for me


Maybe for a lower teir every month have a raffle and q person is chosen to get a Sketch done of their choosing.

Nicolas B

Maybe posted more strange records pages per week as you used to do before if you can


I always enjoy seeing artists try out different styles. In particular, I really enjoy the things you can do with paint, or in digital painting. The softer lines and better blends offer a very different look from other methods of drawing, though it's not necessarily superior or inferior to any other style. All in all, if you feel the need to improve then try experimenting! Even if you dump the style you tried to replicate, it can inform your other drawings going forward and make you a more well-rounded artist.


I will have to decrease my quality on the pages if I would like to produce one page a day. Maybe I will do the sketch lines instead of clean ups and maybe I will cut out some of the background As for the links to comics, I will make a single post for download links and maybe y'all can go there for downloads. I like the idea of giving out free sketches weekly for lower tier. I think I will think of some game to do that so people can interact. thank you for all the comments so far!


Can you not get another person to ink and/or color flats? A lot of artists on Patreon hand off pages on comics to someone else for flats at least.


where can I find more people to work? *edit i posted a job offer on Deviant, hopfully we will get more colorist


I’d love more organization for complete comic series. I often find myself trying to find them one page at a time. It’s so hard.


It is totally fine, you do not have to decrease quality at all, I was just saying when you put “ (insert title here) updates on certain days” people do look forward to those days. If you aren’t sure you can do it that often I wouldn’t stress yourself out trying to make the deadlines, maybe you could just update comics once a week instead of twice a week, I just would prefer to have a clear schedule so I know what to look forward to. But again it’s so very minor and I think you’re doing a great job :)


Personally I’d rather see 1 comic completed at a time. I love the strange records series and its 90% of the reason I’m a patron.


Understand the request but I think that when you do a creative job, it's not so good to stick to a strict schedule. Personally, I accept the delay because it means Meow has more freedom to work in a comic when in the mood to do so, and it improves the quality.

Giselle Little

I really enjoyed the animated images you created in the past and I'd love to see more of those. Other than that, I think you are doing terrific. It's very impressive how much your little group accomplishes.