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So patreon staff contacted and I am demanded to delete many of the posts. For those who didn't get to read the older comics, do not worry. I am currently studying how to make a website and those will be posted there once the site is up (though it will take some time)

I have also been informed by my employee that this smite on my contents may be a result of the big drama going-on at Pornhub. There's been an article saying that there's a guy who actually make money out of video taping their sexual misconduct to minors. This resulted in the MASTER and VISA company taking action to ban Pornhub from using their method of payment. Hence, alot of content that includes minor or any characters below 18 are to be targeted.

I believe Pixiv took the big action and banned me instantly because they didn't want to lose their rights to use Master and Visa. While Patreon staff is making me delete anything that could potentially get them into trouble.

Nevertheless, I may have to stop making any comic that could potentially sexual minors and age-regression may have to be out of our content. Though my intention was never to promote any misconduct activities, it is understable that this is happening and why they are targeting me.

anyhow, we are going to start Amy 8, and ending 2 series this month. It's going to be busy but lets roll!


Hayami Ryuu

I’m glad that there is a resolution to this and not just a straight ban of your work. Having followed your art for years now, I know that you have never done anything that they are worried about intentionally. You are a fantastic artist and friend and I look forward to seeing more of your works.


I'm glad that Patreon is not being utterly draconian (this seems like their typical MO when it comes to content that they think violates their TOS), but is there a way for you to appeal your ban on Pixiv? If not, that's stupid as hell.


May want to ask Satan's minions they have a site


I see that's why some of the Girl Toilets comic pages are gone. I do think you should stand clear of underage stuff that way you can keep your Patreon page and we can keep supporting you. Also making your own website is the best backup plan you can have. Plus stay Meow as I got your back

Robert Louis Stoll

Sapphire Foxx is also a good model to look at


I sympathize with your circumstances and think that this is a major overreaction by the tech industry and their fellows. I think we're seeing a "bonfire of the vanities" situation as they show just how progressive and "woke" they are in the upcoming year and this is their low-hanging fruit.

Jordan P

Oof, at least they didn't straight nuke stuff like PH did. Giving you a notice and time to act to resolve the issue is better than others have been given.


Alright I’m happy to hear that the removed stuff will not be forever lost to the big ether. Personally I never really cared that much about the lolli stuff on here but I do not agree with people not being allowed to make them if they want to, they are drawings not actually pictures of minors plus you never actually did anything sexual with your Lolli looking characters anyway. Hopefully for the sake of archiving I can acquire the missing pages that were available this month without another payment on your future site.

NicoH (NPSao)

I'm sorry to here about that. I've never seen any of your content as overly sexualized regarding minors, just a bit fanservicy occasionally. But this stuff goes around all major sites nowadays. And it makes me sad and annoyed. I hope you find a solution.


Oh boy.... 2020... The year that keeps on taking! The rich just do whatever they want and a big fat "f**ck you" to everyone else. I sure hope that pornhub story is real because it's getting ridiculous and it's still December


Careful, patreon also goes after your 3rd party websites. Did it to other creators.

Pixie Tira

I'm...actually a little glad any AR and minor-focused content will be elsewhere. I enjoy pretty much everything else but I know legit CP and SeAbu victims at young ages, so not 'paying' to see that content makes me feel a bit more comfortable. Looking forward to everything else though~ Amy is always a riot~

Alex Fellman

I'd pay at a tier for access to a website for you, if that's what it comes to.


Pegasus TGTF or TFSubmissions have a very interesting solution that might help you. Your account will be updated via a "mega" account in which the subscribers / donors get different content depending on the subscription amount.


If you need a quick way to make a website you can use yolasite.com I used it for my profile site that a keep my resume on.


Hey, I've been a fan for quite a long time. If you need someone to make/ teach you how to use sites like wordpress and set up a really nice looking site just let me know. I've been doing it for 10+ years!


for those who commented on this post and last post, I will be sending out gifts to you guys. Thank you for the support and the kind comments!


Should I give you a better response than my one word one above then? Because it feels like I don't deserve anything for calling Patreon's behavior "wack." Like, good luck, and if you have to jump ship to a private website, I'm willing to follow.