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so guys, the judgement has been passing down.
recently, my Pixiv page has been banned as well. So I lost all of my subscribers there.
I don't know if there's an individual there going around reporting my social pages but It does appeared that all my contents are being attacked and eventually I may have to close down.

so if you guys see that my page is gone, don't be worry. This is what's been going on and I have been dealing with a lot of stressing issue for the pass 5 days regarding my bans on social media.

so time may come where we are gone. but I will continue to draw until that time comes. Hope you guys stay with us till the end like always, let's go down with a smile at least :D




Don’t worry we will be there for you.


Oh gosh...I hope you can find a way forward. You deserve the success you’ve had so far. If there’s anything we can do just say so.


With what reasoning, the suspension has been set? There may be room to dispute it


I don't understand why you would be false flagged like this. What could you have possibly done wrong to upset these people to deserve it?


A pivix ban? Really? best of luck petitioning that as I'm confused what they could even be reporting you for


As long as I have some way to get you $$$ for your art I will. I love it and hope you don’t let these assholes win.😣


I'll be there to help however can. As long as you have a way to get some money and a discord/ email, I'll be there


What the fuck?? You barely even draw anything explicit. What do these admins even have against you??


Wow! Haters of success! Maybe it's better if you prepare a backup such as sponsus (sponsus.org).

Robert Louis Stoll

You charge 10 dollar subscriptions easily. At that cost, you could easily host your own site on some low maintenance option like wordpress and easily get away with that much going through a direct provider line paypal, cutting out the middlemen like patreon. Consider it.

NicoH (NPSao)

I didn't think it was even possible to be banned on pixiv. I'm sorry to hear, I know these kind of people from other sites and they are annoying. Just leave people some fun in the things they like...


Oh wow, that is... Incredibly upsetting. Best of luck, I really hope all that is just a big mistake and that it's going to resolve itself, in the end


That is so dumb, like I don't think you ever broke any of their rules. If you end up having to move elsewhere, I will gladly follow. Just give me time to make an account at wherever.


Subscribestar, is a good alternative, if stuff starts up, I noticed many favoring it more, but I can't judge.


I've had a few move to subscribestar as rozen mentioned with no problems.


Same SS has worked as the escape route as Patreon itself has been banning endless adult content creators


Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. Im really glad to have you guys here, it makes me really happy to know that my fans are really supportive and looking out for me. I am taking a big leap to learn how to create a website and I will update you guys on it :D


There's always someone that has to ruin it for everyone. I don't get their mentality sometimes.


Don't forget you cAn also try only fans and upload your pictures there


Dispute the fuck out of this shit, man! Both the ban on Pixiv and the potential suspension here have literally no legal basis. Actual explicit artists thrive on Pixiv and Patreon, whereas you barely draw explicit and afaik have yet to ever go against ToS on either site.


I'm guessing some Soccer Moms or Conservative Religious People came across your page on Pixiv and on here and complained. I don't understand what is so Illegal about your works. It makes no sense at all. Let me know if something goes down on here as well. If you end up having to post your wonderful works someplace else because of this just let me know via E-mail. I'm here for you.

patsy jj

Unbelievable news, Patreon, Pixiv and any individual involved should feel ashamed. Really hope they relent and if you build it, people will come. Stay strong Meow, you deserve so much better than this. 💝


https://subscribestar.adult perfect place for youre work


or simply set up the cloud every week the link is updated here


I plan to stick with you as well, whether that means arguing the tos, or moving.


Sorry to hear what is happening to you, that is utter BS there are plenty of people who make content on these sites that have content just as out there or even more so. Don’t give up because I can see that your fans won’t!!!🙂


I hope it doesn’t get to the point where MeowWithMe has to make a site just to protect himself from these assholes.


I wish you the best of luck and that you never go down Moew


Oh god, please may you be able to stay. If not, Well... I hope for your eventual return.


Very sorry. Some people are so dim