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this is the last page of the month. I may start uploading the pages on public a little more because people are rioting on the last page but I don't want to make it feel like you guys aren't receiving any benefits for paying. I shall find a way to work this out.

Cosmetic Updates every Monday / Wednesday / Friday




Awwwwww they came out so cute 😀❤


To be fair, we *do* get a hefty exclusive access period for our pledges. I personally didn't have any problem with the system you used for previous comics.


I kind of understand why people are frustrated over on DA. Having the story suddenly cut like that, in the middle and with a big cliffhanger sounds very frustrating. Honestly, getting to see the story done earlier on Patreon, along with getting to vote in the polls and such is an advantage in an of itself. I guess one thing you could do would be like some other artists do. The version with some censored bits (nipples and genitals) could be on DA, some times, maybe a couple weeks after the uncensored version on Patreon

Jarrod Cummings

She's gonna be all small and adorable once this is over with! Do what you think is best, Meow, but I would caution you against giving in pressure just because a few people complained about you not giving everything away for free. You produce a lot of art and already post most of it publicly anyways. From my perspective it seems unfair that, on one of the rare occasions where were planning to charge for something, they still demand that you give it to them for free.


CUUUUUUUTE but yeah I'm fine if a bit more goes public, or at least is previewed.


Nice transform. Is that a little AR I see? Wonder how the other girls will react.


So the red makes you busty and sexy the blue makes you smol and Kawaii! Im sure he will have a very different outlook on the other end of this XD


I never comment on things but wanted to weigh in on the situation with your dA rioters. I think you should really look into the price of your tiers and if they are indicative of the amount of work you put in. I may get hate for this but personally, I feel that your prices are way too low for the amount that you update and push out. Additionally, your dA folks are always going to be potential clients so cutting off the story isn’t exactly the best way to peak interest. But seeing as your comics don’t feature lewdness as much as others, you can’t exactly censor comics. I would give it a few days and see if you have an influx of new patrons who joined to see the conclusion of the comic. If not, be transparent and say you were trying things out to push interest toward Patreon. If you are interested, I have a few ideas that you could try from a marketing perspective. Feel free to reach out.


Let me put it this way: You are a group of artists. The cutoff between free content and pay content seems adequate for that understanding. People believe they are entitled to more because of your quality. I'm paying $10 for you. I pay $2 for Corablue and $1 for Not Zack For Work, because their storylines, quality, rate of submission of work, are not as frequent not amicable as your work, and because that's all they are asking for. By asking for less, they have more liberties to stray from patron demands and do what they want. In other words, giving into pressure as a business implies your business has less quality than it may have.


thank you for all the suggestions guys, it's been on my mind for abit while now but i think imma just focusing on producing better product. I have alot of projects waiting and I want to release it to you guys soon


Awwww he is so cute!! I assume it is still a boy yes? Since the blue boy serum just makes you look cute and dainty, but doesn’t actually turn you into a girl, or am I completely wrong? 😅