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aaaaaaaand title card. this is where this story starts. I tried to make a spin-off for Strange Records but it didn't feel right. Days is my person project to see if Patrons will vote for character's path. Yes, $15+ will actually finally have a reward now.

Days have multiple endings. Theres a path that the main character will transform back to a man again. If you think he doesn't deserve this, you can lead him there. There's a really dark path, a romance path, and even a girly path.

For everything Path options, you can add your own option in the comment. If it gets enough HEARTS (or likes), I will add it in the poll to re-vote the path. This means, there's an unknown path.

The poll will last for 24 hours. then it the story moves :D
hope you guys will lead the guy to the right path!




Yes, because internet polls always end up voting for the most righteous of paths.


Interesting idea! I'm stretching already to afford $10/mo, though, so I guess I won't be able to vote in these polls.

patsy jj

Wish everybody got a say, mainly because I just can't choose(love to see them all) , but after doing a series of coin tosses, girly won. That means nothing, until others decide of course :) Just realised there's unknown paths as well, thank the heavens I failed to notice or these contortions would never have ended :D