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Ok, shes playing with her now. Her words are twisting. The best way to get out of this is to just say you dont have it and apologize. If she does have it she will fall for the trap, if she says something that throws her off she can get out of this. The kichijou group is not the real threat here... it was her all along 😥

patsy jj

Aw, she's looks so sweet with all that hope, but look at your nemesis, she's got a crazy look. What was that about a safe harbour, it should have said, abandon all hope, all who enter here - at least she looks wonderful.

Bal tha mele

No, way! Total slut!!


But it would be so much better to force him to keep his memories and act all cute and stuff knowing who he used to be though...

That Guy

Hahaha! That came out of nowhere xD