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I will post this in the description as well.
so starting today, I will be trying out this schedule.
I do this to potentially reduce my burnt out rate that I experience very often the past months. mostly due to because I have been trying to get into a master degree and things are just hectic with teaching - drawing - fitness - friends. but lets try this out and see if things get better :D
i do notice that amy and okashina is on the spot. sometimes i will release them on weekends too. so stay tune!




Sounds good. Never forget to have fun ;)!


Hang in there bud!

NicoH (NPSao)

I'm just listed under "rest", aaah.... Just kidding, we don't want you to burn out. ^-^


Rest..? REST?! There's no rest for us! You gotta be at dat daily griiiiind! ;)