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im sorry for the lack of content atm guys, im focusing on finishing all the reward before the end of the month but i will drop a few roughs for the series by tomorrow.
my big apologies again.


NicoH (NPSao)

It happens. Also, aren't the rewards content too? :)


I don't often do this, but I've seen this message from you too many times now, and I genuinely worry that it is affecting you negatively. Firstly, as NicoH points out, these rewards are themselves content, but I understand if you want to focus on your actual comics as well. I don't really think they're terribly slow overall, but if you're stressing out about having to do too many rewards, it indicates one of 3 things: 1) You don't have time to do the rewards and your core product, and this upsets you, because you feel you owe people a lot 2) You don't actually like doing rewards, and you would rather focus on your core, which is My Little Sister, Amy - which is what I subscribed for and frankly am not getting a lot of (getting many other things though), but you're afraid of saying so because you would disappoint your fans/customers. 3) Both I think you need to sit down with yourself and have a think about this. I'm not saying what you should or should not do, but what I am saying is that, and I hope everyone else will back me up here: We're here because we like the comics we saw outside of Patreon, and that's what we want to support. The rewards are supposed to be a side-effect - a bonus. Focus on what you want to do, and support will come. It should be noted, however, that these rewards are also seen outside of Patreon and will therefore also have attracted several people. Find out what you want to do, and do that. Don't try to do more than you can.


thank you for the big worry :D i really appreciate it. it's just the pressure that i feel over myself that I need to go faster and better the more i keep drawing. i do like doing the rewards but i overworry tat sometimes some reward quality is better than the others, so i tend to tense up and spend WAY more time on one than the other. my editor had a solution for me, he said i needed a schedule. which will be put into action by next month. so hopfully things will get better but i am really trying my best.


It's great that you're trying to find a way to deal with this. I hope it works out. If it doesn't, it's okay to cut things out until you reach a point where things are working. Another option would be to focus on fewer sequences at a time, i.e. instead of having 20+ sequences being made at the same time, as you do now, reschedule your work such that they are focused on, drawn, finished, over with, and you can take a breather before going onto the next one. Whatever you do, make sure you're comfortable with it. We're here to support you and your work, not stress you out. Remember that.