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okay so this might be abit of a shocking story [at least for me] so its been a week since i have these kitties. there are two of them, and theres the female one [mis] and theres the male one [match]. a week ago, they could barely jump on an object. today in the morning, i was working on the comic and listening to music with headphones. I took out my headphones to take a break, and I heard a sound like something was swimming. I thought I was just hearing things until I realized, ' shit, i've got cats now ' then i rannnnn out, and Match was drowning in the well in the toilet. I saved him just in time, and he was so scared. I cant believe he can jump up on the well now...



Cats can really surprise us! One of my cats when she was much younger would climb up the fire place into the chimney. We had to check each time that she wasn't clinging up there before turning on the fire place lol. Glad to hear your cat is okay!

Nichole O'Conner

Oh no! Good thing you got him in time ... gotta be careful :c


Oh goodness! Well, that is wonderful that you saved him in time~ I would make sure from now on that the toilet seat is always covered or at least have the bathroom doors closed so the kittens can't get in it.~


Cats love climbing well on anything their can get to I am just your cats a ok now


Wow, I'm so glad you saved your kitty! Poor Match.


poor lil kitty QwQ Cats will get into anything and everything, at this point if they can jump that high you're going to want to catproof your home. Soon enough they'll be able to jump higher than you are tall, so don't worry about being too careful ^^