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the best experience i've had so far with my cats is today. i was so stress and i went drinking, came home drunk and sad and my cats just came to sleep with me to cheer me up. its like they know.

i should make these moments into comics.



Animals are extremely perceptive. I was in a study group a couple years ago and we met in the hallway. The guy who works on the vending machines at the college I was in at the time had a service dog. The dog walked over to her and touched her elbow with his nose. Stood there for a moment then walked away. We immediately asked her what was wrong. She was a little confused until I said that was a service animal and they can tell when something is up. She confessed she got braces the day before and was in a lot of pain. She was happy though that we cared enough to ask.


My cats can totally tell when I'm upset, too! If I'm yelling at my monitor, one of either Rita or Sunny almost invariable come into my room and meow at me, and rub against my leg. It's unbearably adorable.


Yeah cats and pets in general are wonderful company. I had two cats a year ago, one was extremely affectionate whilst the other always kept to herself and was highly anti social. When my black affectionate cat died, I was devastated and was too sad to get out of bed the next day. Surprisingly, my anti social cat came into my room and lay next to me on my bed. Keep in mind she would never sit near me yet alone sleep next to me lol. I'd love to get another cat but the house and area I live in isn't a suitable place for cats.