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so last month has been ...lets be straight, it was god awful. i got emergency sub in like entire week and i didnt have any time for myself and right when i do, i got terribly sick. ._. but now im all better! :D so i did a survey awhile back about concerns, and it seems that the series is coming out too slow.

so for this month, lets aim for a page every 1 or 2 day for both My Little Sister Amy and Records 3. and imma aim for a 2 pages every 2 days for Strange Records 2.2 [cuz this series need to finish]

remember, if you guys want me to focus on any series or have any concern feel free to comment or personally message me on patreon or email. your satisfaction is my utmost priority.

anyhow, it is the anniversary of My Little Sister Amy! Im thinkin about doin somethin special for it, but we will see! :D



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