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first of all, im sorry there wont be any updates today, on my way home, the road that I took was flooded because of the rain from morning till now [and still raining] I decided to stay at my friends apartment and leave early tomorrow morning. i promise to finish at least 1 page and 4 rewards tomorrow.



Meow, dude... Just chill.... You do great in keeping us informed. Don't push yourself too hard. Keep it calm, alright? You are already great to a point that you keep us informed when these things happen. Quite unlike most artists on Patreon. Problems happen, don't work overtime like that when they do. Just inform us, your patreons and I'm sure, at least, the majority will understand and accept that. I hope you good luck for your art tomorrow.


No worries, we have floods here almost every year so I know how it is, hopefully the roads aren't damaged and you can go home tomorrow.

NicoH (NPSao)

I second the others. Such things happens. Don't push yourself to much. You don't have to apologize for every delay. :)


I think i needed a break more than i thought. I have been constantly pushing myself and im at a place where im yearning to play like any game or watch any movie to get my mind off working. I will try to go at it tomorrow when i play my heart out for a day.