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guys, i know that the comic has been coming out quite slow. I am technically doing three series at the same time [all princes, strange records 2 and 1.2] and i only have 3-4 hours before bed to do at least a page. I'm trying my best to balance my time and work but if i'm taking too long on certain series, you all have all the rights to remind me and ask 'when is it coming?' but thank you so much for being an amazing members so far, you guys are awesome. hope you guys can forgive me if i forget to update certain days, its getting pretty hectic.



No problem meow. Just don't overwork yourself and stay healthy :)


Take your time! I'd rather have it all slowly out than the first few fast and the last never. Seen that too often.


You're kidding right? There's nothing to apologize for Meow. You put out a ton of pages each day so there's no rush to put things out. Just do things at your own pace.


I'm with the rest of the group, you are churning things out at an amazing pace, slow it down a little if you need to and keep yourself sane.


thank you guys for understanding. really. I'm planning out the new series atm and figuring out where to go with it.