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At first I was not going to share this with y'all but I have been getting alot of severe headache and it's slowing down my drawing progress. So I thought I will fill you guys in with what happened.

so about a month ago, I joined a gym that teaches boxing. It's not because I wanted to go fight anyone, or anything, but since its the closest gym to where i live and its the best place for me to get some sweat [because all i do is sit and draw], i thought i would help me get a little exercise everyday.

anyhow, Yesterday one of the trainer [lets call him B] was teaching me how to spar on the stage. and as he was kicking and punching, i noticed his hits were increasingly harder. in the middle of it, B was like 'where are you not kicking or punching back?' so I gave him one uppercut that eventually him bled. I said sorry and asked if we shouldnt continue, but he was at full rage and continued to beat me down. anyhow, things got resolved today but my head is still abit dizzy.

so if the delay is happening, it's my head not in the game at the moment because I just lost a gym to workout at, friends I made there, and most importantly my parents' trust in my decision to be there in the first place.



Wow...umm...he asks why you're not kicking and punching back, you do something and then he gets all upset about it? This is quite strange...were you not supposed to strike back as hard as he increasingly was? o.o


Meow lost a gym because the teacher was a dick. The situation was not meows fault. It's like when siblings fight. One ataganizes the other, and the others reacts poorly. The one that reacts poorly gets in trouble. It's basically the same reasoning. Meow obviously didn't mean to do that and tried to call things off and meat head's flight or fight instincts kicked in. Also I wouldn't personally blame anyone for this result how ever if meow hasn't gone to the doctors they really should. The dizzy headaches could be a result of some sort of head trauma which is highly likely. On top of that the meat head should probably go to anger management classes.


thank you for the replies guys :D im doing much better now after 2 days of rest. my right jaw feels a little painful but i think that will heal eventually. thank you again for understanding but i will try my best to keep working!