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So recently, i got accepted to join tgcomic.com !! it made my day and i was very happy about it. However because My Little Sister Amy can't make it there, because of the rules on the website that doesnt allow underage characters, im thinking about making Part 4 and Strange Records 2 at the same time. We will see how it goes :D hope i will be up for it



It's at least worth a try, you can always put one on hold, untill the other one is completed.

NicoH (NPSao)

If you have the time for it, why not. But don't overdo it. ;)


Thank you for warning us. I'm paying because I am expecting your comics I've been liking so far. Keep it balanced and keep it rolling. As the others say. Just be careful for not overdoing. Good luck and never forget to have fun with your craft ;)


Don't do too much now...wouldn't want you to overload yourself~


No underage characters? Lame! Our little Amy is a perfect candidate though! XD even if she is like five or something o-o