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This is kind of a sequel or "alternative universe" post featuring Kelly, the boobalicious, wide-hipped, chunky blonde from adddeviantart's Kelly saga of stories.

I was heavily inspired by this chapter, where Kelly purposely dresses up provocatively to coax a better grade out of a teacher: 


However, in that story Kelly is "only" 230+ pounds and overflowing KK-cup bras. 

I thought it would be fun to write a "what if", where a now 295-pound Kelly with SSS-cup breasts needs to flirt with a teacher who she *knows* is a fat admirer.


Kelly had been prepping for this meeting with her professor all morning. Mr. Dalton should have been the least of her worries, given how certain she was of his…preferences. (She didn’t have a single meeting with him that didn’t involve him offering her some pastry or fattening treat! And she could definitely tell what he was into with the way he watched her when she mowed through entire boxes in a single session.)

But ironically Kelly found herself most anxious about this one. After all, she was well practiced in the art of flirting with men of conventional tastes, but what about a guy who had a fat fetish? Theoretically she had experience with that thanks to Curvaecous.com, but it was something else in person. Still at least she had a battle plan, what she called her “3 step recipe for woo-ing a Fat Admirer”: too-tight clothes, playing up the plumpness, and of course eating heartily.

She had the first bit of the recipe down, as it was the only one she could really prep for before the actual meeting.

Kelly was a bit hesitant. She had not shown this much skin in a while, and had not worn these specific clothes since she was…a few dozen pounds lighter. But she knew what she had to do—the deadly combo of cutoff jean shorts (thunder thighs on full display! Maybe even a bit of booty bulging out the bottom) and a skimpy, low-cut crop top (to put her girls, always the star of the show, on full display). Finally there was the bra—a massive, underwired, push-up that would boost her breasts to almost inhuman levels.

Would it be too much?

Kelly almost gasped when she saw her reflection in the bathroom mirror. There was just…so much flesh. A swollen, overfed hourglass absolutely overflowing. She hadn’t worn this top and shorts since she was in the low 200’s. Today, they were struggling to contain the now 285-pound Kelly.

Good god the bra was a bit over the top. She hadn’t worn this push-up bra in a while (she was the last person who needed a boost) but she really wanted this meeting to go well. She had dug it out from her ever-growing pile of “too small clothes”, and remembered thinking ‘I can’t believe this is now too small for me’ as she held up the massive P-cup bra with cups the size of salad bowls. ‘Surely it isn’t that bad…’

But looking at her own reflection now, she was wrong. The humongous P-cups struggled under breasts several cup sizes larger, boobage pouring out of the front and sides copiously. Sometimes even Kelly couldn’t believe just how ridiculously gigantic her boobs were now. She thought they would stop growing with her weight gain at some point, but no. They were still as greedy for calories as ever.

Balancing them out were her enormous hips and huge ass. Nowadays they were always spilling way too much over whatever seat Kelly was using. Her ass had done a lot of catching up over the last few dozen pounds, surging out backwards now to round out the sideward growth of her hips. Some friends wondered if her gym routine was to thank for all that booty growth but Kelly knew better—it was an ass grown from pastries and pizza.

Her current proportions were almost comical really. Sure she had plumpness and chub everywhere—her thick, jiggly upper arms, her side and back rolls, her well-fed tummy (which today was barely contained in her straining high-waisted shorts)—but they all sat in the shadow (and in her belly’s case, literally) of her massive boobs and hips.

Was it too much? Hell yes, but that was the point.

Step one down.

Now came steps two and three: playing up the plumpness and eating heartily.

Kelly Kegs was a Fat Admirer’s dream.

It must have been quite the sight for Mr. Dalton when the bodacious blonde “BBW” (Kelly wasn’t sure if she would call herself that yet! Sure 285 lbs was a lot, but her figure carried the weight pretty well, she told herself…) bounced into his office that day.

She made sure to put an extra sway in her hips and bounce in her step. She didn’t really need to—nowadays things jiggled and bounced with her slightest movement—but she did it anyway. Kelly could feel her monstrous boobs wobbling independently of her huge butt and thighs. She could feel the straps and cups dig tightly into her fleshy shoulders and back rolls as they struggled with the weight of her breasts. She could feel her exposed breast flesh jiggling heavily (and with her boobs supported so well, she could actually see them as her cleavage bulged into her field of view). And she could feel her huge thighs wobble as they rubbed together, along with the quaking of her hefty butt cheeks.

After some greetings, Kelly began to take her seat. This was part of the show too. Play up the plumpness.

“Oof…these chairs are getting smaller and smaller aren’t they?” she said with a smile, settling her way-too-wide hips and booty onto the chair and making it practically disappear from Mr. Dalton’s point of view.

She looked away from him and pretended to focus on the chair and getting comfortable, giving him the chance to oogle her giant breasts. She set up a move she had pulled many times before: it involved leaning forward and subtly pushing an arm against her chest, boosting it up further.

But now, executed by a 295-pound girl with SSS-cup breasts, it was lethal. She didn’t need to lean forward much before she felt her mammoth boobs press onto his desk, eating up space. Nor did she need to push against them with her arm—the moment she placed a hand on his desk, her arm already squished tightly against her side boob, boobage occupying her arm’s length easily.

She sneaked a glance at her own giant rack surging onto the professor’s desk. God her boobs were massive, it was outrageous. Did she really need to wear such a skimpy top and bra?

Yes she did, if she wanted that A.

For extra oomf, Kelly proceeded to bounce a little bit in her seat, shifting her hips as she pretended to find a better position.

“Definitely smaller than…oof…last time huh?” She panted as she heaved her heavy hips and booty, continuing to feel all her bulging curvage quaking.




Love the story and art!🖤