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Based on a real-life uber-busty Thai girl. 

She started out quite thin and busty but has rapidly gained weight over the past couple of years, making her boobs swell. She seems pretty into them though, despite the chubbiness. 

I decided to take it a step further with this story!


When Bekini first started putting on weight she had been a bit self-conscious about it, and the only “good” thing that came of it was that her boobs (which had always been quite large even when she was thinner) were getting huge!

But as the pounds slowly crept on, she noticed a lot of her followers were showing more and more love. They loved her chubbier figure, not to mention how absolutely massive her breasts were getting.

Her friend Tali pointed this out, introduced her to the whole #BigGirlLove movement online that celebrated larger ladies, and since then Bekini had been a lot less self-conscious about her growing figure.

On the contrary, she absolutely embraced #BigGirlLove, not bothering to watch what she ate or how often she worked out, and totally giving in to her indulgences. And she found that with the incoming pounds (and cup sizes) her followers only loved her more.

Today, she was doing a kind of “throw back” challenge where she was to recreate a picture from before.

Tali remembered this photo, since she had been the one taking it at the time: it showed Bekini sitting at a table, healthy green slushie in the foreground, and her huge head-sized breasts looming mere inches off the table’s surface.

Now, 1 year since that photo was taken, and Tali was looking at a very different Bekini. The girl had always been busty, but now…


An absolutely gargantuan pair of breasts crashed onto the table they sat at, Bekini's boobs now so enormous that they were taking up almost the entire table.

“...how’s this? Is the angle the same?” asked the enormously busty SSBBW, actually using her arms to try and heave more of her breast meat onto the table. They were so massive that one boob was always sliding off the side.

“Errr...yeah...but could you sit up straight? Your back was straight in the original” instructed Tali, looking through her phone and comparing it to the “before” photo. Indeed she was seated up straight with her chest lifted off the table.

“I *am* sitting up straight, doesn’t it look like it?” went Bekini, stuffing another pastry into her mouth.

“Uhhh…” began Tali, blinking and looking at the table which was almost totally covered with boobage. “...never mind, that’s fine. Ready?”

“Let me just finish this! I wasn’t eating in the original~” giggled Bekini, holding up the now empty box to her face and shaking in the leftover crumbs.

Tali chuckled, watching her friend’s fat arms and giant tits jiggle as she shook the box. She truly had embraced living it large, though she didn’t want her followers to see TOO much of how much she ate. Even though it was pretty damn obvious that it was A LOT.

“Alright… I’m ready I can’t believe so many of my followers thought I’d fail this throwback challenge” she giggled, licking her fingers in one hand and using the other to tug at her old top.

It fit nowhere like it did in the original picture. Now, it barely went over her chest, torn down the top and bottom and hanging on by a few inches of cloth down the middle. Her giant but still outgrown bra was quite visible, with the band in the center holding the two cups together visible torn and on its last legs.

“...by the way, you can’t see any of the...errr...modifications we made right?” she added with a bite of her lip.

She looked down behind herself at said “modifications”. As bad as the top was fitting, she was actually cheating to even get it to look THAT good.

They had sown in extenders to the back of the top just to hold it together, since the circumference of her bust and back were just too much for it to get around.

From behind, the top looked pretty much backless, the stretchy fabric sown onto it riding up. Bekini's entire fat back was pretty much exposed, the straining band of her bra visible to all as it was consumed by rolls of chub. Many bra hooks were broken, the remaining ones groaning and holding on, while the creaking straps dug into her fat.

“No Bekini, your secret is safe” smiled Tali.

“Awesome! Snap away then” she smiled, posing with one fat arm folded behind her head.

While all that was happening, a third girl was sitting across Bekini and Tali.

Her name was Mari, and she was a Curvy Kat ambassador who was tasked with welcoming Bekini to the Curvy Kat family as well as introducing her to all the perks and responsibilities.

It became clear to her that Curvy Kat had NOT done their homework on this girl, since the photos they had sent her were from about a year ago of a moderately chubby and very busty girl.

Mari wasn’t entirely sure that her Curvy Kat superiors knew just how massive Bekini had gotten since then. Because while they certainly appreciated customers of all shapes and sizes, they were a bit more selective when it came to selecting their ambassadors--ideally girls were tastefully plump, not outright enormous.

Mari herself was a prime example: chubby, and by most standards very busty--she sported a pair of huge H-cup breasts about the size of her head. She wasn’t outright fat either.

So she was absolutely shocked when meeting the Bekini of today, who looked like she had *eaten* the Bekini from her reference photos and then some!

“...anyway, sorry for all the distractions Mari, just doing a post for the followers” winked Bekini.

“T-that’s alright, I was going to make a post too. Wanna have a photo together?”

Truthfully Mari was a bit hesitant to post about Bekini. Partly because she was mildly put-off by this monstrously fat girl. But also partly because she was outclassed in sheer boobage. Mari often considered herself a busty girl and she would be in most settings. But today she had met someone who made her look positively flat chested.

“Oh yes I’d love that~” said Bekini excitedly. “Mind taking one of us Tali?”

“Sure” said her buddy, pointing her phone mostly at Mari who was leaning in a bit to make her boobs seem at least a little bigger…

“Make sure to tag me alright? <3” said Bekini sweetly, just as her mammoth left breast entered the shot, pushing aside Mari’s H-cup breasts like they were nothing.

Tali snapped the photo, and it was immediately obvious that Bekini had more boobage in the overflow of ONE CUP than Mari had in her entire bra!

With the photos truly out of the way, Bekini resumed what she did best these days--eating.

“So uhhh...I gotta say Bekini, you look a little...errr...heavier than in your other photos” said Mari.

She watched as Bekini began tearing open another box of pastries and beginning to stuff her fat-cheeked face.

“Mmmmfff...yeah I know I’ve put on a lot of weight in the past year” she admitted through a mouthful of doughnut. “A few years ago I started gaining weight and I was a bit self-conscious about how much weight I was gaining. I loved how it was making my boobs get bigger! But I couldn’t deny I was definitely getting bigger. I was a bit self deprecating in my posts, emphasizing how much fatter I was getting, but my followers didn’t seem to mind the weight” she giggled.

She paused to take a long chug from a large milkshake, newly-refilled, before reaching over her giant tits to grab some eclairs.

“Anyway I was having mixed feelings about my weight until Tali here introduced me to the whole #BigGirlLove thing. Apparently there are entire communities online of guys and girls who love big girls, and the idea of them getting bigger!”

“When I discovered that, it was like the floodgates opened. No more dieting. No more tiring gym sessions. Plus some followers started sending me food and gifts regularly, it was awesome!”

“And so here I am today, a very happy girl. No need to watch what I eat anymore~” she giggled, dipping a brownie into a mug of syrup and scarfing it down. She picked up the mug too and to Mari’s horror proceeded to chug it down piggishly, some of the thick fattening stuff oozing down her double-chin.

“BUUURRRRPPPPPP” she went, licking her sticky fat fingers.

“Oh speaking of watching what I eat...did you wanna order something?” asked Bekini, picking up a slice of cake with her bare hands, not bothering with a fork or plate for that matter.

“These caramel cakes are delicioussss. I’ve only had like...five...no, eight slices so far” she went through a mouthful of the stuff. “The vanilla ones aren’t bad either, I might have had like seven slices. The chocolate ones are excellentI think I had like twelve of THOSE babies…”

“Errr…I’m good” went Mari, astounded at the amount this enormous girl could eat. Well, the piles of empty plates nearby should have been indication enough. Besides her gigantic body of course.

“Anyway, so that’s why I’ve grown so much in the past year. It helps that all the extra weight has been going to my boobs too. I’ve always been busty but lately they’ve been getting HUGE” she said happily, smiling down at her otherworldly udders.

“T-they do look bigger than in your photos…”

“Yup! But it’s sooo nice to talk to another busty and plus-sized girl for a change. Not too much of us here, am I right sister?” she smiled, tugging at the massive cups that were groaning under her table-filling tits. Mari could use a single cup as a swing.

She gulped as the strap holding the cups together creaked even more with Bekini’s tugging.

“And I’m so happy to be working with Curvy Kat now! Hopefully they carry REAL bra sizes, not the ridiculously small ones in most stores. I mean, can you believe the biggest size they carry out here is a ZZZ++ cup? This thing barely holds me in!” she giggled, clearly proud of how massive she was.

“Errr...actually Bekini, I’m not sure if we carry anything that size” said Mari worriedly.

“Oh! Uhhh, well, I mean these STILL fit me after all, I’m sure Curvy Kat’s bras won’t be a problem” backtracked the big girl, not wanting to lose this partnership.

“Actually, you might need to cut back a bit if you want to be able to model Curvy Kat’s stuff” went Mari, just as Bekini raised an arm to order more.

“Aw really? I was hoping I wouldn’t have to! I mean, I think I’ve finally stopped growing so it’s all good~” she said confidently.

“Heya! Could I get five more boxes of eclairs please?” she called, waving her fat wobbling arm.

Just then--


The band at the front of Bekini’s bra finally gave way, and the girl’s colossal breasts surged out spilling over the table and pressing even more against Mari.

“Oopsies...okay so maybe I’m still growing…” Bekini said with a bite of her lower lip, looking down at her monstrous exposed breasts.

Waving her fat arm again, making her arm fat and giant tits quake, she added:

“...errr...could you make it four more boxes instead? I’m on a diet”



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