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A continuation of this story that involves a goldfish-girl (I seem them as merfolk more than actual fish) in a world where humans and fish people live side by side.  

This is my first "furry" type story on here, so let me know how you guys feel about that (no furries? it's alright? more please?). I don't plan on it being a regular thing since I don't really do furry stuff unless I'm really into the character and idea.

Anyway, here is the story:


The other fish girls at the Shelter were not surprised when Goldie was instantly adopted the moment she started developing. She was something else, looking more bodacious than even older girls from larger species. Needless to say she stuck out like a sore thumb among the somewhat petite, pixie-like aquarium fish she lived with, labeled as the “busty one” by far among her friends. It wasn’t long before she was taken home by a nice looking young human male.

Some of the other girls followed Goldie’s progress on social media. She seemed to be living the good life indeed, as the already full-figured guppie seemed to be growing even more under her new master’s care.

Clearly he hadn’t heeded the advice of the Shelter attended that day: “Goldie’s quite well-developed for her age already, so make sure not to overfeed her!”

But as the girls watched their friend’s already massive bosom and wide hips expand further with each post, they couldn’t really blame the guy. That was a lot of curvage.

Though some were jealous of her exploding assets, some of them expressed their concern about her climbing weight. Goldie seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself though.

“...I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m not getting THAT big! Master’s just sooo good to me, he lets me eat whatever I want~” said the goldfish through a mouthful of cake. Cake. Fish-girls didn’t eat cake.

On the video call Goldie was massive. She was sitting in an increasingly cramped-looking outdoor pool, her giant boobs spilling out the edges and sloping down the sides of her fat belly. Her shiny skin glistened in the sun, so much of it exposed as her swimsuit top was struggling to survive over her mammoth mammaries.

“...anyway, I’m gonna be doing my Swim School exam in a few days! Wish me luck~” she said as she stretched out a fat, wobbling arm to grab more cake. Her monstrous breasts spilled even further over the pool’s edge as she did.

Her friend on the other line winced at the straining top. That’s right, this girl was barely at Swim School age, and she was this massive.

Puberty just hit some girls hard. Really hard.

But then Goldie announced that she’d be paying her girlfriends a visit at the Shelter. She passed her Swim School exam a few weeks ago and wanted to celebrate.

Though all the girls knew that their over-developed friend had put on a lot of weight since being adopted, even they weren’t prepared for THIS.

Goldie was now so enormous that she had demolished the front door--and lots of the front wall--as she squeezed into the Shelter.

“...it’s a bit...urgghhh...more cramped than I remember, but this was my old home before master...urgghhh...picked me up!”

Goldie was narrating to a flying bot that was filming her. She had become something of a social media sensation lately (after all, not often did you find a teenage goldfish girl bigger than a whale twice her age), which meant she was creating content for her many adoring fans.

The two girls in the nearest tanks gawked at the gigantic goldfish knocking over things with her monstrous tits and ass. She was so huge she couldn’t stand up indoors, lest she burst right through the ceiling.

“Ohmygosh Mari!” squealed Goldie when she spotted the girl in the upper tank.

“H-hey Goldie…”

“FYI guys, Mari used to be my tankmate here at the Shelter. We had such good times in this little tank, let me join you!”

Was she for real? Mari gasped as a massive shadow fell over the entire tank, cast by Goldie’s truly monstrous rack. The titanic goldfish heaved up her colossal breasts which collide with the ceiling, bits of debris raining down.

“Wait, Goldie, I don’t think--”


When they were tankmates Mari would often catch herself staring at Goldie’s massive tits. She was a bit jealous to be honest--how the heck did such a young goldfish have such huge boobs? And now…

...now Mari was literally squashed against her tank wall, pinned down by that same goldfish’s now truly gargantuan breasts. They filled up the tank easily and poured over the edges, the glass cracking under the sheer weight of all that boobage. Water spurted out of the cracks, as Goldie happily tugged at her failing top.

Her recorder bot hovered over to the front to capture Goldie’s former tankmate pressed against the glass, the entire tank breaking underneath the weight of its former occupant’s giant tits.

“This is JUST like old times! Can you believe it’s been less than a year since we shared this tank?” said Goldie through a mouthful of food, seemingly oblivious to the fact that her entire former living space was now being occupied by her gigantic breasts alone.

She had reflexively reached for one of the buckets of food on a nearby cart. The cart was meant to service several tanks of girls, but Goldie was helping herself.

“A-a lot has changed…” said Mari through a muffled voice, just as Goldie picked up a bucket labeled “Mari and Cora - Wednesday”. It was meant for the girls in the two tanks, their entire ration for the day.

But Goldie tipped it into her mouth and began chugging it down piggishly.

“Mmmm...tell me about it! Guess who finally got her first level of Swim School?” she said proudly through a mouthful of the other girls’ food. “This girllll~”

‘Oh right’ Mari thought as she struggled under boobage, her little tent buried next to her. ‘She’s only JUST gotten her first level…’ Sometimes it was easy to forget just how young Goldie was.

“You guys, Mari was always like a big sister to me” narrated Goldie to her viewers--an interesting choice of words, considering the camera was capturing that “big sister” being crushed under her little sister’s monumental, tank-filling tits.

“Y-yeah, Goldie’s always been our...ummm...baby girl” went Mari as the glass of her tank continued to crack under the weight of all that boobage.

Beyond the swell of Goldie’s titanic tits, she was just finishing up the large bucket that was her older sisters’ entire supply of food for the day.

She shook it eagerly, emptying every last bit, her fat arms and giant tits and all her rolls wobbling heavily as she did.

“BUUUURRRRRPPPPPPPPPP!!!” went the overfed goldfish as she tossed aside the empty bucket.

Then she reached out for another.

Mari went on. “...she’s always been...errr...the most well-developed, even though she was the youngest. She’d always go to me for advice on stuff, growing up...”

The older girl reminisced how past-Goldie would ask her stuff like “Mari, where can I get some bigger bras? My G-cups are getting tighter already” as she pouted tugging at her straining cups, larger than anything Mari or the other girls wore. Mari remembered staring at the younger girl’s nearly head-sized breasts with a bit of jealousy, especially with the fact that she was *still* growing!

Now those breasts were literally filling up their old tank, spilling over it and slowly crushing their former living space. They grow up so fast.

Meanwhile Goldie was shoveling a fistful of someone else’s food bucket into her mouth happily, the nearby Shelter attendant not able to do anything against the room-filling goldfish gobbling up several girls’ worth of daily food supply in a single sitting.

Mari words seemed to have sparked something in Goldie’s head, as a look of suddenly remembering something flashed on her chubby face mid-chew.

“Ooooh, which reminds me! Mari, when you started growing, where did you go for bigger tops? I broke almost all my tent-sized tops lately, and these are the only ones that still fit” she pouted through a mouthful of food, tugging at the straining fabric of her current top that didn’t even cover her nipples.

The cracks multiplied further from the quaking of her colossal breasts, more water jetting out of the cracks...

“I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but…”



Mari’s entire tank exploded apart in glass and water, Mari flying onto the floor as her former tankmates giant boobs demolished their old tank completely.

“...I think my boobs have gotten bigger again” giggled Goldie as she emptied another tub of food into her mouth, looking down at her tank-crushing tits and her “big sister” gawking up at her in their shadow.

Jeez this girl was huge.

The nearby Shelter attendant was intrigued, shocked, and amazed by this behemoth guppie.

“O-out of curiosity Goldie, how much does your master feed you?” she asked as Goldie reached for her fifth tub of food since she arrived. That was five tanks’ worth of food already.

“Mmmm...he’s been trying to get me to cut back since the new pool he got me is getting cramped…” she admitted as she dumped more food into her mouth.

“Right. So for lunch today what did you have…?”

“Which lunch are you talking about? Third, or fourth lunch?” she asked innocently, as if it as the most normal thing.

Just then--


Her top tore a bit more, and Goldie’s gigantic right boob flooded out pretty much fully exposed, wobbling to a halt inches from the attendant.

Her bot rushed over to tug at the torn top, struggling to keep the enormous girl decent. His straining efforts in vain as Goldie’s giant nipple just sat out there in the open, her massive breast wobbling but not budging.

“Never mind, you kinda answered my question” gulped the human.




Your Donna series is my faworite so I'd love more Pokemon stuff, although I think I'm more into the way it was written than the fact that it was about a pokemon.


I know I'm late to join the conversation, but as the comment above shared, I too enjoyed your works on Furaffinity and would not be against further 'furry' pieces in the future. I understand that it's not everyone's 'cup of tea,' but if you have an idea in the future that you like that involves it, that would be fine with me, at least~