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Here's a two-picture post with a pretty long story in collaboration with screwedontight. Enjoy!


The weeks continued to fly by with Tim returning to house-sit during the weekends, doing chores, cleaning up the place, and tending to the spoiled teenage girl.

And with each passing weekend Lauren was even plumper, bustier, thiccer than the last.

Today, Tim had just gotten back from the store with another haul of pastries. There was so much that he needed to make several trips unloading boxes from the car to the kitchen.

As he entered the living room, he saw the swell of Lauren’s hip rising above the couch as she was laying on her side.

But, what caught him off guard from his usual work ritual was Lauren being on her phone (which she probably kept nuzzled between her boobs) as she was eating and said,

"Oh come on, Em. 690 pounds isn't THAT big."

Gawking, Tim looked over the couch to get a better look at her, and gasped.

Lauren had somehow thought it was a good idea to squeeze into her usual "comfy house clothes" outfit--a crop top and short-shorts that he recognized from last time. But good gods did they not fit well at all.

She seemed to be shifting position, and as she began to lay out on her side he could see the swell of her vast, doorway-cracking hips rising above the couch. The straining fabric of her tearing booty shorts and thong-like panties dug into her hip-fat, segmenting it into thick fleshy bulges that wobbled with her enormous, fully exposed thighs and...oh gods, even her gigantic ass cheeks were pretty much fully exposed, her "shorts" reduced to almost panties now as her colossal booty quaked heavily.

As she shifted on, he watched her fully exposed belly wobble along with  her plump side-rolls. Ironically her waist was still the narrowest part of her, but it was by no means small--thick and fattened by all that eating. Her belly began to spill onto the nearby table she ate from.

And of course the most eye-catching part of her.

As Lauren turned on her side, her giant tits smashed heavily down, extending beyond the couch and bulging further across the table than her belly did.

The impact caused them to wobble and--oh my--her poor crop top rode up even more, her nipples actually coming out in the open! She subconsciously tugged at her top to "fix" it but it just rode back up--no way a mere 5XL top was covering those behemoths.

The entire couch was groaning under nearly 700 pounds of Lauren wobbling on top of it as she ate.

Tim immediately stopped what he was doing, still clutching four doughnut boxes within his arms. He just stood and stared as the neary-nude Lauren just casually chatted with her schoolmate, and have her make quick work of whatever pastry she somehow managed to grab with her thick, yet flexible, arms.

"Yeah-yeah," she talked to the phone while in-between bites of the cheesecake that Tim bought her earlier in the day. "MAYBE I said the same thing when I was 580 pounds. But that was, like, a thousand years ago. And I'm not even that number anymore, so it all worked out in the end." ;D

The phone chattered.

"Emily, you're overreacting. If I was REALLY that fat, I'm pretty someone would've let me know by now." Phone spoke again. "Hey, teachers don't count, everyone knows that." Rolling her eyes.

"I mean, like, everyone at school LOVES what my body's doing. Boys from all over campus have been complimenting them nonstop, even some girls stopped by to give me some well-deserved compliments for my ass too. Everyone at school agrees. They say I've never looked better," jiggling in place as she personally basked in her own private glory, with Tim unwittingly staring at her behind the couch like a horny hawk.

He felt he probably should move at SOME point. But it felt like his legs were filled with cement just by watching Lauren....exist.

Her clothes rolled up and strained with every subtle movement she made in an effort to make her more comfortable. How in the hell has she not realized those clothes do NOT fit her? Or better question, what the hell has she been wearing at school for COMMON clothes?

"What?" she asked Emily. "Don't be crazy, my bra doesn't pop out of ALL my shirts. Only the sexy ones. Which, by the way, feel SOOO much more comfortable for the spring. You should try them." Mutter. "Too slutty? Or too cute." ;D

"I don't know what you have to complain about Emily. Your teen-tiny G-cups would look great in my clothes if you just stopped doubting your fine-ass self."

"I mean, you'll obviously not be as fine ASSED as me," slapping her own booty for emphasis. Making sure it could be heard on the phone. "But you know what I mean, right?" Finishing off her cheesecake slice. Tim felt his mind go blank as he saw those fatty waves ripple through those painted-on short-shorts. The rip may have even GREW from that.

"Oh that's not fair, everyone knows how cheap those school desks were made. You or Beth would've CERTAINLY crushed that chair next if I didn't beat you to it." Mutters. "Uh-huh, you keep telling yourself that," her eyes rolled playfully. That brief motion somehow caused her shirt to rise up again. "Ugh, dammit," grabbing the torn helm to pull the top down over her nipples again, only for it to uselessly ride back up as she replied, "What? Oh, it's nothing. Just my shirt giving me trouble again."

"Hey Emily, can you keep a secret?"

Tim's ears grew red. The palms holding the heavy boxes of doughnuts were beginning to sweat.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you and the girls noticed already. But, I think my boobs are getting bigger again," she lovingly stroked the side of her left tit like it was a prized trophy. "What do you mean, 'NOW I notice'?"

The phone attempted to explain.

"Mmm, I don't know, that sounds kind of silly. PRETTY sure I would've noticed if my breasts knocked someone out unconscious. Are you SURE he wasn't just REALLY tired that day?"

Tim felt the blood rush to his cheeks. Did her boobs actually knock some poor schmuck's lights out?

God did a part of him wished that could happen to him.

"Ok, even IF that was what happened. I'd still be proud of my girls." She reached out for her next doughnut. "I mean, wouldn't you call that the perfect, BOOBY trap?" ;D

A groan could be heard on the phone.

"Come on, you're laughing." BD

"Hmm. How BIG do I want them to get?" Eating her entire doughnut in three bites to contemplate. "That's a hard one," stroking her double chin.

"I mean, I'm not their mom. They're allowed to grow as big and as free as they want." Patting her wobbling fat-inflated breasts like a proud mother hen.

"I guess....if I outgrow a, 50-tupple Z-Cup bra. That'd be a good place to stop," shrugged. Phone muttering. "What do you mean those don't exist?"

She reached out for her next doughnut, but it slipped between her greasy frosting-stained fingers. "Ah shit." It dropped from her fingers and bounced along her soft stomach. It began to slide its way down the curve and to the table. Until Tim put down the boxes and grabbed it before it fell completely out of her limited reach.

"G-got it," startled Tim. Lauren bounced in place, a little startled herself.

"Wow, thanks Timmy, you are a REAL lifesaver." Then a thought came to mind.

"Mmm...haven't had lifesaver gummies in YEARS. Can we get some of those next?"

"S-s-sure," he twitched, coming to terms that he was now face-to-face with one of Lauren's gravity-defying bazoombas.

"What's that?" Lauren asked Emily. Neatly grabbing the doughnut from his hand. "Oh it's just Timmy. Who? Ugh,"

Reaching that far made her a little uncomfortable. She shuffled her heavy self on her back to give her sides and heavy hooters a rest, her exposed blubber wobbling all the way. She was halfway through her chocolate doughnut when she explained, "He's my mom's housesitter. Didn't I tell you this already?"

Just as she asked that question, her shuffling finally was too much for her shirt to handle. Her top rode up her breasts so quickly that they tumbled out, and splayed across her bulbous gut. Her shirt even seemed to tear more as her breasts spilled out. Lauren didn't even feel a thing as she was still in a conversation with Emily. Tim meanwhile felt extremely lightheaded.

He felt like he was one slip away from just falling onto the couch and landing directly on her soft gurgling belly. But he snapped himself out of it when Lauren noted how much his body was swaying.

"What's that?" Lauren asked her phone. "What bra size am I at now? Hmmm, can't remember. I know it was Z-something. OH, what if I took a selfie? Will you tell from that?"


"Great!" She posed, fluffing the pillow behind her so she could look extra fab. All the while Tim just failed to keep her eyes away from the 600+ pound fertility goddess. He swore since they fell out of that shirt, her tits only got BIGGER.

Was that even possible?

Ah who was he kidding? When it came to Lauren's bottomless stomach, anything was possible for her.

He rushed to move the boxes he put down back to the side. Right next to all of the other deliveries he made over the earlier day, and the day before. Learning to buy extra right around dinner before she went to bed so Lauren had SOMETHING to eat while he was busy cooking her breakfasts.

There were of course other things he needed to do. Like prepare the stove for those burgers he was going to try cook today. Extra cheese and grease like his lady ordered. But, despite his best efforts, he couldn't keep his eyes off Lauren on that couch, or his ears off her conversation.

"You think I need a SEVEN Z-Cup? Come on Emily, my boobs are huge, but they're not THAT big....are they?" biting her lip. Almost liking the idea. Emily apparently heard it, "Hey, can't blame a girl for dreaming, right?" XD

Lauren attempted to grab herself her next snack, but her tits and stomach were getting in the way of those remaining doughnuts. Seeing that she was on the verge of--gasp--struggling. Tim immediately went into action as he made his way around the table, cut himself a slice of her cheesecake, and handed it to her instead, and for extra brownie points (which reminded him to try and get those started for dinner tonight), he fished out that doughnut too, and used it to decorate her new slice.

"Oh my gawd, that's even BETTER than I could've wanted. Thanks Timmy," she winked.

Happily eating her doughnut-flavored cheescake now.

The phone talked again.

"Yeah that was Tim again. He got me an EXTRA good slice this time, check it out," taking a quick pic and sending it over to her. "Tasty right?" she giggled while taking a huge bite of her slice.

"Hmm? No, he doesn't feed me that stuff ALL day. Just when I want to. Which is, ALL the time," she giggles.

"I swear he treats me so well! I can't imagine why he's soooo nice to me" she giggles as she unconsciously squishes her right boob. "If I knew having a house sitter was going to be THIS awesome, I would've insisted mommy to go on MORE business trips." ;D



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